Excellent TDW-S, now even better!

Smelting materials

Fifteen years of experience in the production of slag remover
Proprietary technology
Since 2008, Tie Dawang slag remover has been produced using the patented technology of drying and chilling equipment and compound security technology.
Foundry industry benchmark user supplier
Slag remover exporter

Since 2012, it has become a foundry supplier to more than 30 large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises; products are exported to 6 countries and regions.
National Foundry Materials Golden Tripod Award
In 2019, at the China Foundry Expo held in Shanghai, Tie Dawang series slag remover won the 'National Foundry Material Golden Tripod Award'.
'Carbonizer for Foundry' group standard setter
In 2020, Chunqiu Co., Ltd. participated in the drafting and formulation of the group standard 'Carbonizer for Foundry', which was promulgated and issued by the China Foundry Association.
CQ Inc. (stock code: 300750) is a private joint-stock enterprise specializing in the production of heating risers and slag removers for casting.

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Email: group@cq-inc.comFax: +86-537-4591038

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